Morphic Fields, Remote Energy Healing, Morphic Awakening©, Transformation, Consciousness


Morphic Fields

Morphic fields are a concept that much of humanity is beginning to awaken to-universal energies of which the universe is made. Several years ago, my cherished teacher Sirriya Din was awakened in the wee hours of the morning where she received a series of downloads in the form of healing protocols. She has called these protocols and the results they bring about in clients “Morphic Awakening©.” These allow her, and any of us who are open and willing to learn to tap into quantum fields of infinite consciousness, awaken to the power of our true selves, our eternal consciousness and bliss.
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Morphic Awakening

"If you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think of everything in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

– Nikola Tesla

Morphic Awakening

Coming Upon Sirriya was an internet, google surprise for me, but I decided to take a leap of faith and see what she was offering. I am sure, that me finding her was the result of my first attempts to seriously meditate, and connect with my true self, and study Morphic fields-my higher self-brought me to her. I was not sure what to expect but once I experienced the effects of the Morphic Awakening© healing protocols myself-I was hooked. The experience was truly, life changing. I felt absolute euphoria being connected to my true self and a happiness I had never experienced, at least since my early childhood. After several sessions of Morphic Awakening© at Iris Energetics, I was eased of chronic anxiety, digestive problems and pain issues that had plagued me for years, and my friends and family noticed a huge difference in my mood, happiness and overall energy. In less than a year, my life, mind and body were transformed, coming into wholeness with the infinite potential, and bliss of my true self-all of our true selves. I removed blocks to goals I had been seeking for years.

My Experience

I was eager to experience more of this healing, and also was inspired to learn it myself, and bring healing, Awakening and happiness to others. Currently, I am studying Morphic Awakening©, working to expand my own consciousness and bring healing and Awakening to myself and others.

The Consciousness That Connects Us All

I have studied a lot of religion and spiritual paths, both in formal, academic settings and elsewhere and hold several Master’s degrees in social sciences and humanities subjects and an experienced traveler-I was always deeply curious about the universal energy that has inspired spirituality, meaning and myths all over the world-the energy that connects us all. I was always amazed by the myths and spiritual narratives that bind us, especially the golden thread that seems to run through them all with some common, universal themes.

What I have experienced, shows me that this energy is in all of us, and is accessible to all of us, we just have to drop into our hearts and ask for it. Tapping into our heart space, our infinite consciousness and our wholeness unlocks the keys to our unconditional happiness, wellness and infinite potential.

The True Nature Of Our Bodies

Our bodies are not solid as they appear, but are collections of moving particles, constantly mutable and changeable. This reality allows the quantum methods of Morphic Awakening© protocols to manifest smoothly. This also allows me, you, and us to connect to higher realms of consciousness. Several traditions, and current awakened persons have awakened to this infinite happiness and potential.

Many awakened persons have tapped into this infinite potential of Morphic fields. I would invite you to look into some of the resources I have posted below, particularly the works of Rupert Sheldrake in order to learn more.

Rupert Sheldrake

Rupert Sheldrake, is a Cambridge University Biochemist and Author who challenges the scientific community by positing the existence of powerful fields of information that organize our bodies, thoughts, stars, galaxies, and all other forms, material and non-material, and that these fields interact with and are influenced by our experiences. For example, it has been noticed that IQ tests must be frequently revised, for over time, people begin scoring much higher than the norm. When revised, the scores revert to the norm. This is called the Flynn effect, which provides us with clear example of Morphic fields. The test takers are not becoming more intelligent; rather the answers from the original IQ tests enter the Morphic field, making the answers more accessible to test takers.

This can be seen in crossword puzzle studies, too. People finish the Sunday London Times crossword puzzle significantly quicker on Monday than the Sunday puzzle takers.

Hundredth Monkey Effect

Many of us have heard about the hundredth monkey effect. Japanese scientists noticed one monkey had learned to wash sweet potatoes before eating them, an act mimicked by other monkeys in the group. After a large number of these monkeys learned to wash sweet potatoes, suddenly monkeys in other locations far away began washing sweet potatoes too. The learning occurred through non-local fields of information picked up by monkeys.



Throughout History

Members of the same species pick up on Morphic fields of information. Looking at global history, it is amazing to see so many humans; independently and without access to communication begin to create tools, develop written languages, civilizations, myths and legends all independently of each other without physically contacting each other, all because of unseen connections through Morphic fields where subconsciously as a species, sapiens arranged themselves with an order, and had intuitive access to information and ideas.

Now, with all of the opportunities to connect in the 3D physical world, I am in awe to think of the infinite potential of the human collective.

I hope this has peaked your curiosity, and inspired you to have a look at some of the words of those who have delved more deeply into this infinite and exquisite field of consciousness.

I would love the opportunity to work together to connect you to your consciousness, healing and eternal bliss. As a practitioner and student of Morphic Awakening©, this is a journey for both of us.

– Iris
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