Frequently Asked Questions


Here are some FAQ's

You can get relief or solutions to a number of problems with remote healing sessions. I have helped clients with weight loss, anxiety, chronic diseases, their dating lives, and self-worth issues. I have even helped people in stressed relationships with family members who had built up negative conditioning over a number of years.

Everything is energy. We are eternal beings who have come here for a physical experience. Once I realized this, I got insight into how I can help myself, and all people with their problems. Feel free to look at my testimonial page to hear first-hand from clients about how I have helped them with physical ailments, and other issues.

Difficult bosses, neighbors, supervisees and co-workers have also been known to become pleasant, supportive and cooperative after receiving some healing energy, and opportunities have opened which exceeded expectations and surprised clients. Even pets can benefit from Morphic healing.

The more you can awaken and connect to your true self in an inner sense, the better your external world will become. At some point, you may not even need me anymore.

So, discover the path of a happier & better life with me.
The great inventor and physicist Nikola Tesla remarked,” If you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” I think this indicates that he was aware of Morphic fields which are the universal energy that connect us to this universe, its people, places and directions.

Morphic Awakening© is an energetic technique for anyone who is ready to live for inner peace, and take charge of healing themselves, and others. With this, you can connect with higher frequency information fields that support instant transformation on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

As a matter of fact, our bodies are not solid as they appear, moreover, they are collections of moving particles that are constantly mutable and changeable. This reality allows the quantum methods of Morphic Awakening© protocols to manifest smoothly. This also allows me, you, and us to connect to higher realms of consciousness. Several traditions, and current awakened persons have awakened to this infinite happiness and potential.

Many awakened persons have tapped into this infinite potential of Morphic fields. I would invite you to look into some of the resources I have included in this website, particularly the works of Rupert Sheldrake in order to learn more.

Rupert Sheldrake, is a Cambridge University biochemist and author who challenges the scientific community by positing the existence of powerful fields of information that organize our bodies, thoughts, stars, galaxies, and all other forms, material and non-material, and that these fields interact with and are influenced by our experiences. For example, it has been noticed that IQ tests must be frequently revised, for over time, people begin scoring much higher than the norm. When revised, the scores revert to the norm. This is called the Flynn effect, which provides us with clear examples of Morphic fields. The test takers are not becoming more intelligent; rather the answers from the original IQ tests enter the Morphic field, making the answers more accessible to test takers.

This can be seen in crossword puzzle studies, too. People finish the Sunday London Times crossword puzzle significantly quicker on Monday than the Sunday puzzle takers.

And, of course, many of us have heard about the hundredth monkey effect. Japanese scientists noticed one monkey had learned to wash sweet potatoes before eating them, an act mimicked by other monkeys in the group. After a large number of these monkeys learned to wash sweet potatoes, suddenly monkeys in other locations far away began washing sweet potatoes too. The learning occurred through non-local fields of information picked up by monkeys.

Members of the same species pick up on Morphic fields of information. Looking at global history, it is amazing to see so many humans; independently and without access to communication begin to create tools, develop written languages, civilizations, myths and legends all independently of each other-without physically contacting each other, all because of unseen connections through Morphic fields where subconsciously as a species, sapiens arranged themselves with an order, and had intuitive access to information and ideas.

Now, with all of the opportunities to connect in the 3D physical world, I am in awe to think of the infinite potential of the human collective…
Several years ago, my cherished teacher Sirriya Din awakened in the wee hours of the morning where she received a series of downloads in the form of healing protocols. She named these protocols “Morphic Awakening©” and began bringing them to clients. Consequently, this allowed her, and many of us who wanted to learn about quantum healing to tap this energy or the fields of infinite consciousness.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I began meditating and went through my own spiritual Awakening. I also began learning about the universal energy that connects us all and started to read about Morphic fields. Ultimately, a google search led me to Sirriya.

Somehow, I knew that I should connect with her, even though she has a very low-profile internet presence, and there was not a lot of information about her available. The journey I have taken with her has been truly life-changing and I am so eager to share it with others.

I have been studying under her for over a year, and learning to be a practitioner of Morphic Awakening© myself, something that all of us can do.

For many years, I was receiving intuitive messages but I was not connected to my true self and was not trusting my intuition. Eventually, when the thoughts, sensations, and messages proved true then I started this spiritual journey, started meditating, accepted and began strengthening my psychic abilities.

After several sessions of Morphic Awakening©, I found great relief from chronic anxiety, digestive problems and pain issues that have plagued me for years. This huge transformation in my mood, happiness, and overall energy was noticed by my friends and family members. Chronic back pain that cost me thousands of dollars on chiropractors, massage therapists and physiotherapy dramatically improved, and I felt happier than I had since my early childhood.

Remote Healing is intelligence. This is Awakening. This is Enlightenment.

The infinite consciousness & universal energy is waiting for you!!
I offer free, 15 minute consultations for new clients. This allows us both to get a sense of each other, and for you to interact with me and see if this journey into consciousness is right for you.

In this work, I’m just acting as a Morphic conduit. I’m bringing you into your true self and stimulating your own healing and Awakening process. It’s all within you.

The effectiveness of the work depends on your belief, and receptiveness to me. Keep in mind though, I often do work on people without their knowledge. These are people in my life I wish to help, sometimes people I know who are having a hard time, who I want to support.

Sometimes I do this for clients, and this can include relatives, spouses, bosses or irritating colleagues of clients who I will make resonate with being more agreeable etc., and they do show changes and shifts in their energy and resonance. So there is a lot of potential for results even without the subject’s knowledge.

The strongest results however, come directly to clients who are open, inviting and without resistance. Some scepticism about a new process is normal, which is why I offer free consultations, and I can help you overcome resistance. At some point though, we need to take a leap and try new things if we want to grow. Your heart will tell you when the time is right. If your scepticism seems greater than your curiosity and eagerness to engage in Morphic work, then it may not be the right time for you, just yet. You will still most likely see some results, and I can help you with removing resistance, but results may not be as profound as they would be if you come to me open, and trusting.

I don’t give refunds, unless for some very unusual reason I have to cancel a session. Everyone’s results vary-some see instant results, others need several sessions. Results can also take time to manifest for some people.

It your eagerness and curiosity for healing and Awakening are greater than your scepticism, then we will get you results of some level.
Learning Morphic Awakening© takes time, practice and money. I also have to practice, meditate and work to be a better practitioner every day. It has taken my teacher Sirriya Din decades to reach the level at which she currently resonates. The healing energy and healing protocols I received and practiced from her need continuous meditation and maintenance. Being a practitioner, I give my crucial time, dedication and patience in order to serve the best to my clients.

My educational background also contributes to my ability as a remote healer. I hold a degree in comparative religious theology and several post-graduate degrees, including in psychology fields. You would be surprised to know that I have worked in more than a dozen different countries. This gives me a better perspective on my belief systems, and people from all walks of life.

All of this study, and experience took me more than a decade, study and money. The work I do for you has value. I believe it sets the wrong precedent and sends the wrong message about Morphic practice and similar fields of work to do it for nothing.

Furthermore, in terms of Morphic Awakening© work, I am self-employed. This requires time, patience, and dedication, setting up a website, tax processes, etc. that are all done by me. I feel proud to be self-employed and serve high-quality services to my clients- but that also takes extra effort, time and money.

That is why I charge for my valuable service and the transformative shifts I bring to my clients.
I’m a highly educated, world travelling, and independent woman. I could not be any of these things without advancements in modern medicine and science. I think modern medicine has made our lives longer and better, and would normally encourage all my clients to closely follow the advice of trained physicians.

My work can support you in healing emotionally and physically. I stopped taking medications for certain chronic ailments that disappeared after starting this work because I no longer needed them, but that was my personal decision. This needs to be done on a case by case basis in consultation with physicians. I believe energy work and modern medicine can be very congruent, and definitely are not mutually exclusive, and I strongly encourage clients to follow medical advice.

Furthermore, even if you are not suffering from any disease then you also should consider these energy clearing sessions because they will clear your karmas and emotionally heal you. Through these sessions, you can unlock your true potential and awake the powerful inner energy.
No, in the sense it is not my given, or legal name. Yet, it resonates with me most when I’m doing my Morphic work. Many practitioners in consciousness use pseudonyms when doing their work, and some even legally change their names after undergoing a spiritual Awakening.

So, what is the meaning of Iris? Why did you choose that name?

The iris is a flower that shares a name with the colored part of our eyes. That is the windows to our souls. Iris flowers represent faith, hope, courage, wisdom, and admiration. Iris has a deep shade of purple color that is also the color of the crown chakra.

Iris is also the name of an ancestor that I have always admired. Secondly, when I come into consciousness then it suits my personality.

Security, is another reason I do not use my “real” name. Some people have strong, negative opinions about this work, some have very unrealistic expectations, and can become angry if they do not get the results they want immediately. You never know who is out there in the cybersphere, it is better to retain some level of privacy.
During the remote healing sessions, my goal is to give you the best possible service. For this, you need a peaceful environment with no distractions. Video calls may cause distractions, but phone calls generally offer a better connection than zoom calls. I also prefer to listen to you, and get information about you intuitively rather than through body language cues etc that may not give an accurate picture.

That is why I prefer to give distance healing sessions via voice calls only.

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I CARE about my clients. I seek to be available as often and as quickly as possible. Send me an email, or chat with me on Facebook messenger anytime.
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