The Body Keeps the Score- Morphic Energy Work and how remote healing can help YOU

A reflection of the book, and how it related to remote energy, or distance healing work.

Listening to our bodies

“Your body has things to say,” is a primary message of the book, ideally with a premise that we need to, as humans listen to our bodies. Ethereally, and physically, our bodies store information. Even the great teacher Sadhguru remarks on this “you may not know your great grandfather, but his nose is sitting on your face.” Our bodies do not forget.

Remote/Distance Healing and Energy Work-How is it effective?

This is more than just genetic. Trauma lives in our bodies and as the renowned doctor/psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk affirms, our bodies keep the score. Sometimes, this even manifests as Alexthimia, feeling negative or unpleasant feelings, but not being able to articulate what the problem is, an issue usually resulting from numbing. Sometimes we disassociate, develop maladaptive patterns of communicating, existing and relating to others.

This can even manifest itself as physical ailments that we cannot explain, and that are resistant to conventional treatment like pharmaceutical drugs. Van der Kolk makes the case that trauma, in the United States at least is the greatest threat to public health, and overall general safety and wellbeing in the population. As a medical physician, he does not argue that psychotropic medications are without value, or that they should be abandoned-moreover he posits that they are incomplete methods of treating trauma. Basically, he blames the prevailing establishment for pathologizing, or ‘diseasifying’ trauma, and its associated reactions in the body. He names some of his previous patients who were given ‘disorders’ associated with disregarding authority based on the fact that their patients were defiant, angry, abused substances and were uncooperative. Many of their medical teams did not want to view their own shortcomings in terms of their failure to recognize that trauma was the issue, and so pathologized them in new ways, and added more and more drugs that masked, but didn’t solve the problem.

The Need to Examine our Trauma Holistically

Some of those suffering from PTSD, trying to numb their symptoms had completely disassociated, and instead of being treated for this extremely severe symptom was told that “dissociative identity disorder does not even exist” making it nearly impossible for them to be effectively treated and cope. This neglect, and trauma manifested in their bodies in a myriad of ways. Some developed various pains and ailments, or could not tolerate certain noises, smells, people, places or objects that reminded them of the traumatic experiences they experienced and spent nearly all of their lives actively avoiding or numbing these things or the associated pain. Van Der Kolk even asserted that this trauma manifested in their ethereal bodies and resulted in physiological changes. These changes could even be passed down to their offspring-these effects in our bodies are so profound they can transcend even our own lives.

People need to confront or at least acknowledge their trauma somehow, in a safe environment and then only, can they see it as something bad that happened long ago, something that is perhaps a part of who they were, but does not have to be a part of who they are. He found that clinical therapy, combined with yoga or meditation techniques, drama or play therapy etc. provided effective therapy for his patients, and many left their maladaptive patterns and proceeded to live happier, and more productive lives.

According to Van der Kolk, trauma is a fact of life to varying degrees. Not all of us may be showing signs of acute PTSD from wars, abuse or childhood neglect but we have all been traumatized in some way or another.

This trauma manifests in our bodies, and our bodies keep the score. Many physical, emotional and mental ailments have roots in trauma, and where we cannot name it-it emerges in psychosomatic symptoms, insomnia, pains and even illnesses and disease.

How we can tap into consciousness to heal trauma, and heal our bodies

Aside from yoga, or play therapy, distance reiki, energy, or Morphic healing can help. A lot of progress has been made since Van der Kolk published his best seller in 2014. Especially during the collective trauma of COVID-19, many of us have become more introspective and looked to yoga, meditation or spirituality to cope. A lot of us are waking up to the reality of what are bodies truly are; a mixture of physical and ethereal elements that are constantly adapting, shifting and changing. We are becoming more aware of the possibilities of looking at ourselves in more holistic ways.

In Morphic Awakening©, we learn that many of our experiences of suffering come from trauma-but that it is in the form of conditioning, and also from fears or beliefs that we may pick up from the collective consciousness, Morphic fields or information waves that we leverage or are connected to.

In our true selves, we are all extensions of source energy and there is no suffering. Yet, in this world, we fall into karmas, or otherwise known as conditioned patterns of thinking, and we are rooted in our minds instead of our hearts, and our true selves, or our eternal consciousness. Trauma is a strong way of imprinting that conditioning. We can pick it up from our lived experiences, or also from our ancestral conditioning, physical, mental, cultural social or emotional conditioning.

Energy clearing or distance healing work understands the same truth that Van Der Kolk did in that conditioning causes suffering. It stays in our physical bodies and our energy fields-what is needed is not only medication but a holistic acknowledgment and removal of the trauma-essentially the conditioning. It is the conditioning that is causing the suffering, as in our true selves, there is no suffering. Remote energy work, using Morphic fields gets to the root cause of the suffering and neutralizes, and clears the karma, the trauma or the conditioned pattern. This changes the ethereal, and physical bodies for ourselves, our descendants and all those in collective consciousness, for the good of all.

Our bodies may keep the score, but we are never bound. We are constantly changing and shifting and everything is a matter of energy and conditioning. There is endless possibility to change our stories, our minds, our bodies, and ourselves.

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